I am going to Denver in two weeks with my Mom, Dad, and brother to see Benjamin off to Afghanistan. We are taking a quick trip so we can see him one last time before his tour with the National Guard. It is going to be really hard to say goodbye to him, but this is really what he want to do and I am so proud of him for going. I know it is going to be scary to think of him over there getting shot at, but I also know that my Heavenly Father loves him, and he loves us, his family. We have no control over Ben's future, but He does and He is going to do what is right for all of us. I am so thankful for my Faith, that allows me to see things though a different set of glasses, and know that we are in the life to learn and grow, and our Loving Heavenly Father will only give us what we can handle.
So when I go to see Ben, I plan on giving him a great big hug and telling him all the things a big sister should, but when we leave he will be in the hands of our Father, and I need to let my faith take over. We can be strong as a family and keep him in our prayers and hopefully in a year or so we can welcome him home back into the arms of our family.