Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sending off a Soldier

This last weekend my parents and brother and I went to Colorado Springs to send my brother Ben off to War. It was a wonderful weekend, and we spent a lot of time together just enjoying each others company. We went to the aquarium and then walked down by the river, attended Church with him at his ward and laughed together talking about old times and what we remember of him growing up. I was 11 years old when he was born and so there were a lot of things to talk about. Sunday night was the hardest. We enjoyed some dinner together then quietly discusses his funeral arrangements. These are things that had to be talked about, but no one ever wants to know what there 19 year old brother wants on the day he is buried. It was hard not to focus on the fact that we may never see him alive on this earth again.

Even with the idea of a last reunion playing in the back of our minds we were able to really have a good time. Ben showed us all the places he likes to eat and then we hiked up to 7 falls and went though some old tunnels up on the mountain. It was so beautiful there even though it rained most of the time. The lightning was amazing to watch and it stayed cool for our hiking and other activities.

Ben will be flying out on Friday to serve the country he loves. He feels so strongly about this and it is truly what he wants to do. Please pray for our Soldiers, they are out fighting a cause that is worthy and great. The next time you see an American flag think about all those families who quietly discussed the funerals of their sons and daughters, and then think about all of those families who have fulfilled those wishes so that we can have what we have today, tomorrow, and forever.


Dacia said...

Amen! I have a sister in the air force and I think it's so awesome that we have people to defend our country and others.

Anonymous said...

So glad you were able to go down with your parents and spend some wonderful family time with your brother. We will pray that all will be well with him and he will return home safely.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I am so grateful that you wrote this because it reminds me that I need to spend a little more time thinking and praying for our servicemen. We are grateful for Ben.

Mindy said...

My BIL just left on Monday and it is difficult for my sister when they have to talk about if he doesn't come back. It is a good reminder to continually pray for those who serve our country.