Friday, January 2, 2009

Our Fun Night!

On Monday I was NOT feeling well, and by 5:00 p.m. I was pretty much down for the count. I had a terrible pain in my right side and I pretty much felt yucky. At 7:40 I took two Advil and went to bed, by 9:30 I sent Johnathan out to get me some Midol, hoping it would help with the cramping, finally I fell asleep. Waking around 1:00 I noticed that he wasn't in bed so I went to find him and the pain came back with a vengeance, ten minutes later we were in bed but the pain was so bad I was tearing up and finally I hurt so bad that Johnathan was getting concerned. After a Priesthood Blessing we felt like maybe I needed to be seen by a Doctor so we got up and went to the ER sometime around 3:00.

They got me all settled and gave me some really good drugs then sent me off to X-ray while Johnathan went and got my parents settled at the house. Thank heavens for them, they got up and drove to our house in the middle of the night to be with the kids! Well to make a long story short, after some more tests the determined that I had a cyst on my ovary that had ruptured, and my pelvic cavity had some excess fluid in it, nothing they were too concerned about. Around 7:00 they sent me home with orders to rest for the day.

I cannot believe how badly it hurt! We were both sure I had appendicitis, thankfully it wasn't that, but it still hurt! Johnathan was great and so helpful and a huge thanks to my parents again, who not only came up to be with the kids, but also took all of them home keeping Andie and Tyson over night. What a blessing that it wasn't anything more serious!


Anonymous said...

That's so great your parents were there to help with the kids. Sorry you had to go through that. They are unbelievably painful! Hope you're feeling much better and don't have to go through that again.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about this! I thought I had this happen once ( I didn't) but the doctor's said the pain was similar and that was sooo severe! I am so sorry that I didn't check to blog sooner to arrange to meet with you during the holidays, but I will contact you for the baby blessing-we'll be up there in May! I appreciate the gift, and I can't believe you thought of us! You can give it to my parents in Rexburg:232 East.
5th South Thank you and thank you!