I am convinced that someone came up with the concept of Harvest Break so that they could have help with, obviously, Harvest! This is a good and noble idea, and the kids love it because they don't have school. But let me fill you in on the week and a half I had with my seven year old home...NOT helping with anything, least alone harvest.
First off, Andie loves school, so she spent the entire time asking WHY she had to be home in the first place. I told her that if she wanted I could drop her off at the front door and she could hang out at the school all day, then I would be back to pick her up at 2:30. She though this was a great idea, and so did I the second, third, fourth, and subsequent days that she was here. Now I knew that I couldn't do that because I would get in trouble, child abandonment, or something, but by the end of the first week, a night in jail seemed like a trip to paradise.
The boys generally play pretty well together, but when Andie is home it is a whole new ballgame. She will play with one and not the other. She demands that she get the computer, or the toy that someone else is playing with. Over all she is a royal pain in the neck. On top of that she was hungry ALL the time. Every fifteen minutes she was asking for something to eat. If she is like this at school I feel sorry for her teacher. Finally I had to come up with projects for her to do so that she would leave the boys alone and not think she was hungry all the time. I knew that she was board, and so I tried to give her the benefit of doubt, but I am still glad that she is back at school.
So I think what I am saying is, Harvest Break is a bad idea if you are not harvesting anything, so I think that next year when this time rolls around again I will send Andie out to harvest our garden. Then, she will not be board, and she can eat whatever she likes, and the boys will leave her alone, because, who wants to spend a week and a half harvesting anything!
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