Friday, December 5, 2008

Almost a Week.

So last Sat. Johnathan twisted his ankle jumping our of the back of the truck. Sunday I convinced him to stay home with his foot up, all with the bribe of lots of Football, and so he agreed that would be best. Monday, of course, he felt like he should go to work and so Monday night his leg hurt really bad and the swelling was really bad. Tuesday I talked him into staying home and then I went out to DI and found a walking boot cast and a crutch. Wednesday he wrapped his ankle and wore the boot and he said his foot felt a lot better. On top of that his boss gave him her reserved parking spot right next to the building so that he would not have to walk the 4 blocks he normally would. So last night we decided to take some more pictures and after wearing the boot, icing his ankle every night for several hours and taking it really easy this is the end result. Hopefully by this time next week he will be as good as new.

As you can see there is still a lot of bruising.

And the Ankle is still quite swollen and tender.

We are not sure why the toes are bruised, we wondered if maybe he dropped the slab on them at some point in the whole thing, but we don't know. (Oh and NO is toe is not broken, that is just the way it is...weird hu?)


Tara McLean Derricott said...

That reminds me of a bruise Tony got several years ago while playing church ball. He got hit with a knee in the shin, and his whole leg turned black and blue... even his toes! He actually still has a bruise mark, about as big as an egg!! We were in Rexburg on Monday, and we may be down again soon. We'll let you know and maybe stop and say hello!!

Jackie B. said...

ok. that's just gross! Poor Jon. I know ALL about ankle pains.