Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Elves

When Johnathan was younger they had a Christmas tradition to put a hand made Christmas Elf on the tree. It was made by Grandma Duncan and every year one of the children got to put it on the tree however and wherever they would like. About two years ago Mom Duncan made one for all of her children and so we got one sent to our family. Johnathan has enjoyed the memories that he has of his childhood and the Elves so we decided this year that each of the children would get their own so that they can start making memories with it, then take it with them when they leave home.

These are the finished product, a little bit different than the original but hopefully it has the same meaning as Grandma wanted. I also came up with a little story about them so that the kids could have something to tell to their children. It is no completely factual, mostly because Grandma has passed away so we can never get the true story, but I thought it added a nice touch. Before I printed it out and was sure to run it past Johnathan, after all it is his tradition and his Grandmother that mad the first Christmas Elf. After his approval I printed it out to be read to the children Christmas Eve when we will present them with their very own Elf. Hopefully this will be a lasting tradition and that the children can find as much joy in it as Johnathan has. The story follows:

The Christmas Elf

One Christmas a very, long time ago Great-Grandma Duncan was struggling with what she should give to her children and their families that year. She had grown tired of the store bought gifts, and was perhaps a little low on money, but she longed to give something from the heart. For days she thought about all manner of gifts talking them all over with Grandpa, but nothing seemed right, and to her dismay the days crept onward towards Christmas.

Then one day as she sat watching the snow fall out her window she saw three tiny, lacy
Snowflakes land onto the window pane. Marveling at how unique every single one was, she sat for a long time examining every icy curve and corner. This made her think of her family, and how everyone of them was special to her, how everyone was different. Her heart swelled with love, and she knew what she needed to do. She needed something that would let them all know how much she loved them, someone to watch over them after she was gone, a reminder of sorts. Suddenly she knew what she needed to do!

Late into the night Grandpa watched her work. Her aged hands flew as she cut and sewed, pinned and glued. First one, then two, three, four, and five, they came from her heart, and each one was perfect for its intended family. Then, as the sun peeked its head over the horizon she was done. Grandma smiled as she sat back to admire her work, they were perfect. Five little Christmas Elves sat on the table looking back at her, they were just as she imagined.

Grandpa helped her wrap them up and send them out to their beloved children. The hope was that every year at Christmas time the elf would sit in the tree, looking over the family, reminding them of how much they are loved. Truly a gift of the heart, a lasting memory of the Grandparents that care so much for them, and their desire for peace and happiness in the homes of all of those they loved.

Now this year you receive your Christmas Elf. Let it be symbol of all that is good and right with the world. Let it remind you of the past, the present and the future. The Elf that sits on our tree was made for Daddy as a special gift from Grandma Duncan and now you get your very own from us to share with your future families. Set it with care every Christmas season to watch over you and your home, a constant reminder of those who love you!

1 comment:

dippyrooroo said...

That's just beautiful Anna! What a wonderful gift!