Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Casey!

Yesterday was Casey's third birthday! He was excited about opening his presents and he enjoyed the frosting off of his birthday cupcake. It is hard to believe that three years ago he was starting his life with us, I am so happy that he choose to come to our family! He was super excited about the shoes that Grandma and Grandpa Coyne got him, and he took the dozens of stickers he got from Grandma and Grandpa Duncan to bed with him. Andie and Tyson gave him a Thomas the Train Helicopter and he fell in love with it instantly. All night he kept saying heladoter, heladoter, over and over and over again. He woke up around 3:40 this morning and would not go back to sleep, just laid in his bed and played with his Heladoter. I think I may bribe him to take a nap today!

Over all we had a fun little party with him and enjoyed the whip cream off of his waffles about as much as the frosting on the cupcakes. Casey we love you to death and our family would be so different without your winning personality. Happy, Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 3rd Birthday casey! Your heladoter sounds really cool!