Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So later today I plan on casting my vote for the next President of the United States. Months of arguments and plans, decisions, and banter have graced my TV screen and yelled from the car radio, all trying to sway my choice one way or another. Most of them I ignored, some I laughed at, and others bothered me to the core. I could never figure out why we have to fight against each other, and put people down, just to claim the top of the governmental hill. How has slander and lies become the American people so? If someone truly wanted to run an honest, respectful cam pain, would they survive in the mayhem that is politics? I truly doubt it.

But not this morning thousands rush to the polls to make the name they see most fit to run this country. It is our right as citizens to pick the leader of the free country, but do we do it with all the seriousness that we should. Do we look at every idea, every vow, every so said truth and scrutinized it? Do we push aside all prejudice and examine the ideas at hand, giving them every minute the attention that we did the football game last night? And if not, why?

There will be those empowered women who march to the booths to mark the name for a Female VP; proudly stating, "Yes we are FINALLY moving up in the eyes of government!" Or the African American that makes that dot simply because the color of someones skin? Or the skin head who would rather see Binladin taking the throne than anyone of color! How many of us are voting Republican, because we are a republican? How many of us are voting Democrat because Bush is a Republican? How many of us vote for change, when we truly know there will be none, government is government, is government.

To those who studied, vote with confidence, and pleasure. To those of us, like me, who turned the channel, content to watch the Food Network, maybe next time when the time comes around to choose our Master and Commander, we will not lean to the side of Prejudice.

1 comment:

dippyrooroo said...

I tried very hard to study it out, but it was so hard to feel like I was getting the truth any where I tried to get information! I just hope that everyone is wrong! That the Democrats are wrong about just how much they will be able to accomplish, and that the republicans are wrong about what will happen if the democrats they are able to accomplish all that they want to!
I really was intrigued by Obama's acceptance speech. In the very least it opened my heart to the extent that I want him to prove me wrong. I want him to prove himself as a great leader and a great president. But only time will tell.